Message routing (or forwarding) is the same concept as what syslog-ng calls relaying. You can use LMI's message routing feature to forward a copy of incoming log data to another device(s) by creating an appropriate forwarding rule. For example, an LX appliance receiving messages from multiple firewalls can be configured to forward some or all of the messages to an ST appliance based on one or more rules.
This feature is useful for sending incoming event data to multiple destinations by using LogLogic LMI as the aggregator and traffic router. LogLogic LMI can route syslog messages to any host that supports TCP syslog or UDP syslog. It also supports sending file-based data as files to other LMI appliances using LogLogic TCP. See article 000006228 for benefits to using the LogLogic TCP protocol.
Refer to the LogLogic LMI Administration Guide for more information about message routing including how to configure it and the options available for each protocol.
This article explains what message forwarding is in LogLogic LMI.