What is the difference between 'Do not load any data' and 'Leave the resulting data table empty'
Article ID: KB0072633
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When opening an analysis file that has a missing Information Link different options are presented:
-Browse for the missing information link
-Do not load any data for this source
-Leave the resulting data table empty

The last two options are very similar, need clarification on what each one does.
With a missing Information Link there are several options, including 'Do not load any data for this source' and 'Leave the resulting data table empty' that differ slightly.
Do not load any data for this source
This setting is specific Information Links and SBDF files in the library. What it means is that it will create an empty data set (no columns, no rows) for the specific data source.
Leave the resulting data table empty
This setting means that the last node (before the final table node) in the data canvas will get a data set consisting of the names of the columns that are stored in the analysis, but with no rows. Any data sources that under normal circumstances would have been loaded after the failing data source in this case will instead get NO data at all (including the failing data source), since loading is effectively canceled.