What is the difference between a Statistica CNET, BNET, and Enterprise installation?

What is the difference between a Statistica CNET, BNET, and Enterprise installation?


Article ID: KB0070853


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 8.0 through 14.0.1


The differences between a CNET, BNET, and Enterprise installations are explained below.

Note:  All Statistica Server, Statistica Data Entry Server, Statistica Live Score Server, and Statistica Monitoring and Altering Server (MAS) installs are Enterprise installations as they use the Statistica Enterprise Manager.



This article summarizes the difference between a CNET, BNET, and an Enterprise installation?


Windows operating systems only.


CNET (Concurrent Network)

A CNET is a network installation where licensing is centralized and the program, or application, files load from a server, across a LAN network, into the workstations/clients memory, etc., when started/launched.  Note there are no local application files installed on workstations/clients. The total number of concurrent users cannot exceed the number in the license file.   In theory, there can be an unlimited number of Statistica workstation instances/installations but only a certain number can be actively using Statistica concurrently.  The license service controls the check-in\check-out of users by comparing the number of active users to the number of users in a license file.  Once the maximum number of users has been reached, the license manager service will not allow a new instance of Statistica to launch. If an active user closes Statistica, then Statistica will then be available for use (the number of available users will increase by 1 every time a user closes Statistica). 

  • Instead of installing and user Statistica on a workstation/client,  CNET installs also allow for  Remote Desktop (Terminal Services) to be used for Statistica access.
  •  All CNETs sold with TIBCO include the BNET properties below.

BNET (Concurrent Network with Borrowing)

A BNET is a CNET with the added ability to install the program, or application, files locally.  When Statistica is launched it does not have to load across a LAN network.  The benefit to this is speed in launching and using the application.  Another benefit is licensing can be borrowed and the workstation/client can be disconnected from the network for up to 30 days.  Licenses are checked out and expire after the check-out period (default is 30 days).  



Enterprise installations comprise all the components of a CNET or BNET but also has the additional metadata database component or data repository. The data repository contains objects created in the Statistica Enterprise Manager, like:

1.  users
2.  workspaces
3.  data configuration
4.  analysis configuration
5.  tasks
6.  tasksets
7.  alarm dashboard
8.  database connections