What is the significance of tml_papi_properties.json file in TIBCO Mashery Local (ML)?

What is the significance of tml_papi_properties.json file in TIBCO Mashery Local (ML)?


Article ID: KB0073428


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Cloud API Management - Local Edition 5.x and above


This article provides info on this file used by a Mashery Local 5.x cluster.



This article provides info on this file used by a Mashery Local 5.x cluster.


All Supported Platforms


The various Area UUIDs are for internal use to make PAPI work.
It is not required to change/customize these.

The "sp_config_environment_domain_suffix" is used to indicate the customer's domain
for e.g. for an Untethered cluster.

This is used when making calls to endpoints, the hostname will have a domain suffix matching the one specified above.