What to do when you are unable to click the "restart" button in the TDV Studio?

What to do when you are unable to click the "restart" button in the TDV Studio?


Article ID: KB0073011


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Data Virtualization All supported versions


This article explains what to do when you are unable to click the restart button on the studio tab.


What to do when you are unable to click the "restart" button in the TDV Studio?


Monitor daemon should be running in parallel alongside TDV Server to allow the TDV Studio to do a remote start & stop of the server via that button. If you are only running the TDV Server process without a monitor daemon, then that button would be disabled.

(1) Start the TDV Server with Monitor daemon -> Execute “composite.bat/sh monitor start” from the command line (or) Start the TDV services from the Windows Services app.  
(2) Start TDV Server without Monitor daemon -> Execute "composite_server.bat/sh run"

Note: If you start the TDV Server using step(2) then you will encounter this issue. If such a scenario arises then, please proceed with the instructions provided in step(1).