Where Tibco Spotfire Server Public Address URL is stored and Why it is not updated in configuration file while switching to older configuration?

Where Tibco Spotfire Server Public Address URL is stored and Why it is not updated in configuration file while switching to older configuration?


Article ID: KB0072234


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Spotfire Server -


This article will help you to understand the feature of Spotfire public address and why it is not being updated in configuration UI When loading a previously saved configuration from the database, the Public address URL is still from the prior configuration even when a customer has updated the public address URL in the current and active configuration and customer needs to manually update the URL and save the configuration when switching to some other configuration.


This article will help you to understand the feature of Spotfire public address and why the public address doesn't get updated when you switch to old configuration file loaded from database


The public address is not stored in the configuration file directly but gets stored in the database separately. The reason behind getting the public address to be stored in the database is as public addresses are more site-specific and are stored as part of the site definition in the SITES table, rather than in the Spotfire Server configuration.
Select * from DBO.SITES

In order to resolve this issue, you need to execute the set-public-address command which directly updates the site definition in the database instead of the configuration.

For Example:-
C:/tibco/tss/11.4.7/spotfire-bin>config set-public-address --bootstrap-config=value --tool-password=value --site-name=value --url=value


All servers within a site must use the same public address for things to function properly however, different sites will normally have different public addresses

Additional Information

Doc: Set-public-address Doc: Sites