Changes in Spotfire version 10: Where to insert Calculated column, Binned column, Predicted column, Hierarchy and Transformations in Spotfire 10

Changes in Spotfire version 10: Where to insert Calculated column, Binned column, Predicted column, Hierarchy and Transformations in Spotfire 10


Article ID: KB0080212


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst 10.X


In versions 7.14 and lower of the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst installed client, you could insert Calculated column, Binned column, Predicted column, Hierarchy and Transformations from under the Insert menu. Spotfire 10 has a new design of the user interface, and these menu options are moved to other locations.


Changes in Spotfire version 10: Where to insert Calculated column, Binned column, Predicted column, Hierarchy and Transformations in Spotfire 10


For Spotfire Analyst version 10.0.0 and above, Add Calculated column, Add Binned column, Add Predicted column, Add Hierarchy and Transform Data (Transformations) options are under Data menu.

Additional Information

Doc: Details on Calculate New Calculated Column Doc: How to Use Binning Doc: Details on Add Predicted Columns Doc: Details on Add Hierarchy Doc: Transforming Data