Which tables store artifact change related information in Rules Management Server (RMS) persistence Database

Which tables store artifact change related information in Rules Management Server (RMS) persistence Database


Article ID: KB0082919


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BusinessEvents Enterprise Edition 5.3.0, 5.4.0


When persistence is enabled for RMS we have several tables that are used to store project and user related information .  This information is used to manage and maintain artifacts during the complete approval life cycle in Web Studio.


Which tables store artifact change related information in Rules Management Server (RMS) persistence Database


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The following tables hold some key artifact related information.

D_WS_C_UserCheckin - Stores the username , managedProjectName with checkinTime

D_WS_C_UserProject -- Stores the User Project details and its time.

-- Other DT artifact tables ---

D_WS_C_UserDTableArtifact – Stores the base DT details and various version ids associated with the DT. (Reference tables D_WS_C_UserDTableArtifact_A_33 should have that).

D_WS_C_UserArtifactRevision – Stores various revisions associated to the DT. “parentArtifactID” will have a reference to D_WS_C_UserDTableArtifact. “artifactcontentid” will have reference to that the contents of the data, the id here refers to table  D_WS_C_DecisionTable.

D_WS_C_DecisionTable – Contents of the decision table. “arguments_id$” refers to the arguments of the DT via table “D_WS_C_DecisionTableArguments”, “decisiontable_id$”  & “exceptiontable_id$” refer to the decision table data via “D_WS_C_TableRuleSet”.

D_WS_C_TableRuleSet maintains columns via  Column_id$ -> D_WS_C_TableColumns. D_WS_C_TableRuleSet_TablePage refers to TablePages within a DT via table D_WS_C_TablePage. This in turn contains references to D_WS_C_TableRule. Finally D_WS_C_TableRule has references to metadata(via D_WS_C_TableRuleMetadata), conditions(via D_WS_C_TableRuleConditions) & actions(via D_WS_C_TableRuleActions).

D_WS_C_CommittableDeltaEntry - Stores the reviewerName and deployerName with respective users.

Some other tables that stores User/login related information :
D_AMS_C_LoggedInUsers , D_User , D_WS_C_UserWorkspace, D_WS_C_UserCheckin , D_AMS_E_AbstractRMSEvent


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