Why is the Time series tab unavailable in SANN Deployment Mode?

Why is the Time series tab unavailable in SANN Deployment Mode?


Article ID: KB0076843


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.5 and above


In Statistica Automated Neural Networks model (SANN), there are two modes: Deployment or New Analysis:

1. Selecting Deployment mode is to load and deploy existing neural network models created from previous analyses. All files must be in PMML format and must have been created by STATISTICA Automated Neural Networks (SANN).

2.Selecting New analysis model is to start a new analysis, i.e., create new neural network models from the active data set.  


This article explains the reason that the Time series tab is unavailable under the Deployment mode of the SANN module.


Under the Deployment mode, i.e., an existing PMML code file is loaded to the module, the user is not able to edit/retrain the model but to deploy a trained model for predictions on new data. As such, options under Time series tab won't be meaningful here.  Those options are used to tune the neural networks model when the model is being constructed.

User-added image

Those options include:
Steps: Use the options in this group box to specify certain information about the steps used in the time series network.

Number of time steps used as inputs: In this field, specify the number of lagged time series values to provide as input to the network.

Number of steps ahead to predict: In this field, enter the number of time steps ahead of the lagged input values that the predicted output lies. 

In contrast, under the Analysis mode, the user can select options under the Time series tab to train a model.
Note : This tab is only available for time series analysis types.