Why are there multiple session IDs logged in the TIBCO Spotfire client logs for the same user session?

Why are there multiple session IDs logged in the TIBCO Spotfire client logs for the same user session?


Article ID: KB0072961


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server All
Spotfire Analyst 000045271
Spotfire Automation Services All Supported versions


When looking in the Spotfire client logs, you may sometimes see multiple session IDs for the same user session. 

Here is an example of a session ID getting generated. This example is taken from the Web Player logs.
DEBUG 2021-07-08T17:49:24,708+0000 [unknown, #64, #287041] server.security.SessionUtil: Generated a new 'internal session id': 061671aee09ad4b59cc22532d3a64ecd


This article explains why there could be multiple session IDs in the Spotfire client logs.




Here are the most common causes of this behavior:
  • The Spotfire client has a load balancer in front of the Spotfire Server that does not route the requests to the same Spotfire Server throughout the session.
  • After an inactivity timeout, when the user has logged in again.