When using Scheduled Updates in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player, the first day of the week in the visualization is always showing as 'Sunday' irrespective of the browser/regional setting

When using Scheduled Updates in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player, the first day of the week in the visualization is always showing as 'Sunday' irrespective of the browser/regional setting


Article ID: KB0073435


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Web Player 7.5 and higher


In the Web Player, if an analysis file is present in Scheduled Updates then starting day of the week(X-axis=<DayOfWeek([Date_Column])>) is always showing as 'Sunday' irrespective of the regional setting of the node manager (NM) machine or the machine from where the analysis file is opened. Below is the reference image:

User-added image



When using Scheduled Updates in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player, the first day of the week in the visualization is always showing as 'Sunday' irrespective of the browser/regional setting




To set the start day as per the locale/regional setting of the users browser culture, do the following:

1) Launch a command prompt as Administrator and navigate to the "<Spotfire Server install location>\tibco\tss\<version 7.5.0 or later>\tomcat\spotfire-bin" folder. Export the configuration.

Note: For versions before Spotfire 10.3, instead of the 'spotfire-bin' folder mentioned above, use the 'bin' folder.

Example: config export-service-config --capability=WEB_PLAYER --deployment-area=Production

Note: The above command will export the default configuration. To export the currently used configuration (if not using the default config), use the below command:

config export-service-config

For more information on how to export a configuration, please refer to  export-service-config (TIBCO Spotfire Server Installation and Administration manual)   

2) Open the 'Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config' file in a text editor. This file is located within the "<Spotfire Server install location>\tibco\tss\<version 7.5.0 or later>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root"
Add the below setting in the <Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Properties.Settings> section:
 <setting name="DataView_RefreshForLocaleChanges" serializeAs="String">      <value>True</value> </setting>

3) Save the changes in 'Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config' file.

4) Import the configuration.

Example: config import-service-config --config-name="New_Changes"

5) Edit the Web Player service to use the newly imported configuration in the Spotfire server web interface.

Additional Information


When using Scheduled Updates in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player, the first day of the week in the visualization is always showing as 'Sunday' irrespective of the browser/regional setting get_app