"You'll need permission to access this diagram" error when trying to authorize To-Do Items from the web.

"You'll need permission to access this diagram" error when trying to authorize To-Do Items from the web.


Article ID: KB0072951


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 10.3.0, 10.4.0


Whenever user is trying to Authorize the pending authorizations from the web client, user receives an error, "You'll need permission to access this diagram. Please contact your administrator for assistance." 


How to resolve "You'll need permission to access this diagram" error when authorizing pending authorizations from web.


Production and Test Environment


As we know, it is only possible to send authorization requests to any authorizer if the user has at least read-only access to the diagram.
But even if the user has access to the diagram and the user receives all the authorization to accept in the web client's To-Do list, the user is not able to accept them and receives an error called "You'll need permission to access this diagram. Please contact your administrator for assistance." 
To accept these authorizations, the "Access Allowed" rights must have enabled for the user on the folder where the diagram is present including all the folders in the hierarchy.
For Example, There is a folder name Test1 and inside that folder Test2 folder is present and in Test 2, Test 3 is present, and so on.
In this case, all the folders including Test1, Test2, Test3,...., etc. must have enabled access rights as "Access Allowed".  


"You'll need permission to access this diagram" error when trying to authorize To-Do Items from the web. get_app