How to find the difference between two selected minimum and maximum values.

How to find the difference between two selected minimum and maximum values.


Article ID: KB0081880


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Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst All supported versions


This is an example of selecting a two date value and finding the affiliated integer values and then taking the two integer values and finding the difference between them.


This is an example on how to select a two dates. Then find the difference of the affiliated values from the dates.


Create a text area to be able to select a minimum date and a maximum date, setting a document property. You also need to find the max and min values for each date. The two expressions used are:

MinValue:    Min([Weight]) over ([Mfg Date])
MaxValue:   Max([Weight]) over ([Mfg Date])

Then create a column to only show the value per the dates selected:

SelectedMin:   If(DocumentProperty("MinDate")=[Mfg Date],[MinValue])
SelectedMax:   If(DocumentProperty("MaxDate")=[Mfg Date],[MaxValue])

Create a column to show the difference between the two selected dates:

Diff:  Max([SelectedMax]) - Min([SelectedMin])

Please see the attached DXP file as an example.


How to find the difference between two selected minimum and maximum values. get_app