iProcess Objects Server logs do not include IP address information

iProcess Objects Server logs do not include IP address information


Article ID: KB0083558


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO iProcess Engine (Oracle) 11.4.1


To assist with problem diagnosis the iProcess Objects Server (or SPO) produces a log (swentobjsv01.log) and should record IP address details of connected clients.  This allows TIBCO Support to trace the location of any problem client connections.  Currently the swentobjsv01.log does not contain the IP address and only writes the port number to the log:

23785|0000004D|09/22/2017 00:00:05.421|00000001|INFO |processing message LU for :48625 on socket 17

where the port 48625 above relates to the connected client.



The iProcess Objects Server log (swentobjsv01.log) should include the IP address and port number details of connected clients but it is currently only displaying the port number


To resolve the issue configure the SPO to use TCPResolveName in the $SWDIR/seo/data/swentobjsv.cfg and restart the SPO:

TCPResolveName = 1

The IP address and port number will then be visible in the swentobjsv01.log:

11498|000000A1|09/25/2017 08:04:48.068|00000001|INFO |processing message LQ for on socket 311

where above is the IP address and 39556 is the port number.