How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions)

How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions)


Article ID: KB0070164


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) 5.10.2 or higher, 5.11.x


TIBCO Rendezvous (RV) is required to install TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA). 
If RV 8.5.x is installed prior to TRA, TRA installer may not able to detect RV 8.5.x.  The same happens with higher RV versions like 8.7 etc. 


How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions)?


OS: All


This is because RV 8.5.x switch to OS native installer from TIBCOUniversalInstaller.

TRA installer looks for $TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/rv-8.5.#.###_prodInfo.xml to determine if RV is available or not.
This "xxx_prodInfo.xml"  will not be created if RV is installed using the .zip or .tgz package. In this case, users have to create folder $TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/ and file rv-8.5.#.###_prodInfo.xml manually. 
For user's convenience, copy of file " rv-" for Linux and Windows are attached. Users can download it, update the version number , then  search and replace the TIBCO_HOME in the file, and then put it under folder $TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/.

If the RV 8.5 is installed using .rpm, .exe or other OS package, file $TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/rv-8.5.#.###_prodInfo.xml will be created. Users need make sure the OS user that they use to install TRA has read permission to this file and .jar files under $TIBCO_HOME/tibrv/8.5/lib, read+ executable permission to $TIBCO_HOME/tibrv/8.5/bin/rvd, and write permission to folder  $TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/ before installing TRA. 

In case a new TIBCO_HOME is to be created, users will get a warning "The directory ### is not empty. ...". Please choose Yes and continue. 
User-added image


How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions) get_app
How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions) get_app
How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions) get_app
How to install TRA on top of Rendezvous 8.5.x (or higher RV versions) get_app