This is because RV 8.5.x switch to OS native installer from
TRA installer looks for
$TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/rv-8.5.#.###_prodInfo.xml to determine if RV is available or not.
This "xxx_prodInfo.xml" will not be created if RV is installed using the
.zip or
.tgz package. In this case, users have to create folder
$TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/ and file
rv-8.5.#.###_prodInfo.xml manually.
For user's convenience, copy of file "
rv-" for Linux and Windows are attached. Users can download it,
update the version number , then
search and replace the TIBCO_HOME in the file, and then put it under folder
If the RV 8.5 is installed using .rpm, .exe or other OS package, file
$TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/rv-8.5.#.###_prodInfo.xml will be created. Users need make sure the OS user that they use to install TRA has
read permission to this file and .jar files under
executable permission to
$TIBCO_HOME/tibrv/8.5/bin/rvd, and
write permission to folder
$TIBCO_HOME/_installInfo/ before installing TRA.
In case a new
TIBCO_HOME is to be created, users will get a warning "The directory ### is not empty. ...". Please choose
Yes and continue.