localization text not showing correctly on all screens in web client

localization text not showing correctly on all screens in web client


Article ID: KB0080678


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO Nimbus 10.2.0


When changing the button text for icon text i.e.  "Statement Sets" in localtext.xx the new text is not shown when you navigate to the different screen.


How to change the localization text for the Web Client icons i.e Statement Set for all screens


in addition to editing the localtext file you aslo need to edit the .js file for the language required, this can be done as follows:

1. Navigate to the folder Web Server\Main\ui\author\lang
2. Open the file .js in a text editor
3. Search for the text "Statement Sets" (with quotes), you should find text that looks like: "Statement sets":"Statement sets"
4. Change the text on the right had side of the colon to the translated text. (Note the file contains the Statement sets text twice, so make sure you update both!)
5. Restart the web server and check change has been applied.

The same steps can be used to update all icon texts in the left navigation menu.