modelops-server pod fails to start and displays a status of 'CreateContainerConfigError' when its Kubernetes secret is not created

modelops-server pod fails to start and displays a status of 'CreateContainerConfigError' when its Kubernetes secret is not created


Article ID: KB0071944


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO ModelOps 1.2


The modelops-server Kubernetes pod (for a new installation) fails to start. Running 'kubectl get pod' in the ModelOps namespace shows that the modelops-server pod has a status of 'CreateContainerConfigError'.


Describes the behavior and error message received when the modelops-server Kubernetes pod fails to start due to a missing secret.


Inspect the details of the modelops-server pod. For example, if your Kubernetes namespace for ModelOps is named 'modelops', run:
kubectl describe pod modelops-server -n modelops

The output will include details that help identify the issue, which is a missing Kubernetes secret in this case:
Warning  Failed 18m (x10 over 20m)  kubelet  Error: secret "modelops-server" not found

The solution is to simply create the secret:
kubectl create secret generic modelops-server --from-literal=admin=<MODELOPS_ROOT_PASSWORD>

..where you can choose the value for <MODELOPS_ROOT_PASSWORD>.