As per the documentation the default statusMode (if not explicitly specified) is "ACTIVE". i.e. it will return all active process instances (PI). However, it returns "FAILED" instances too. Here is an example :
REQUEST : <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:proc="" xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <proc:queryProcessInstancesInput> <proc:query>SELECT INSTANCE.ID,INSTANCE.STATUS FROM process WHERE INSTANCE.NAME = 'TestFailProcess' ORDER BY INSTANCE.START_DATE ASC</proc:query> <proc:pageSize>30</proc:pageSize> <proc:attributeMap/> </proc:queryProcessInstancesInput> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
While if statusMode is specified as ACTIVE then it ONLY returns the ACTIVE PIs. Here is an example :
REQUEST with statusMode as ACTIVE:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:proc="" xmlns:soapenv=""> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <proc:queryProcessInstancesInput> <proc:query>SELECT INSTANCE.ID,INSTANCE.STATUS FROM process WHERE INSTANCE.NAME = 'TestFailProcess' ORDER BY INSTANCE.START_DATE ASC</proc:query> <proc:statusMode>ACTIVE</proc:statusMode> <proc:pageSize>30</proc:pageSize> <proc:attributeMap/> </proc:queryProcessInstancesInput> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
queryProcessInstances request has statusMode as an optional parameter. This article clarifies the default behavior when statusMode is not specified.
If the "statusMode" is NOT specified it returns ALL the PIs matching the query and which are NOT automatically deleted from the database.
The JVM properties com.tibco.bx.autoDelete and com.tibco.bx.autoDeleteFailedProcesses controls how process instances are automatically deleted from the database. See documentation for details :
The documentation will reflect this clarification in the next major release of BPM.