strftime() function returns incorrect result for month

strftime() function returns incorrect result for month


Article ID: KB0082342


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Products Versions
TIBCO Streaming 7.x, 10.x


The strftime() function converts a timestamp field to a string, formatted according to a specified formatstring pattern, for the local time zone. The timestamp field can then be displayed and manipulated as a string instead of a timestamp.

However a defect relating to this function can cause incorrect results in some cases.  For example, the correct output month from strftime() for an input timestamp of "2018-02-01 00:00:00.000-0500" should be 'Feb'.  However, strftime() will incorrectly return 'Mar' instead:
sbd --eval "from_localtime(2018,2,1,0,0,0)"
(timestamp) 2018-02-01 00:00:00.000-0500

sbd --eval "strftime("""%b""", from_localtime(2018,2,1,0,0,0))"
(string) Mar

For reference, %b in the above expression specifies the locale's abbreviated month name, as noted in the strftime library documentation.


The strftime() function can return incorrect result for month.


To work around this defect, you can instead use a combination of the split() and format_time() functions.  The split() function parses a string into tokens delimited by a specified character and returns a list of strings with the tokens as elements.  The format_time() function (similar to strftime()) converts a timestamp field to a string using a specified pattern, as noted in the StreamBase Help under StreamBase Home > StreamBase References > StreamBase Expression Language Functions > (sub-heading) Timestamp Functions: Absolute Timestamps.  For example:
sbd --eval "split(split(format_time(from_localtime(2018,2,1,0,0,0), 'EEEE, MMM d, yyyy HH:mm zzzz'),',')[1],' ')[1]"
(string) Feb

This expression returns the correct month for the same input timestamp.