warning about MaxPermSize option not supported in Java 8

warning about MaxPermSize option not supported in Java 8


Article ID: KB0074662


Updated On:

Products Versions
TIBCO BPM Enterprise (formerly TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM) 4.0, 4.1, 4.2


BPM Installation Guides say that an AMX/BPM 4.x system must be configured to use a Java 8 JRE  (Ref:1,2,3)

Default configuration files for TCT and AMX/BPM nodes include some options not supported by Oracle Java 8 JVM
For nodes, this means the JVM logs a warning message to the node log file during startup.
The warning is more obvious when launching TCT in console mode:

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=512m; support was removed in 8.0



After upgrading AMX/BPM to use Java 8, TCT console and/or node log has warning about unsupported JVM option


Any currently supported AMX/BPM version. Oracle Java 8 JRE (any OS/build)


As the message states, the JVM ignores the unsupported option.  Likewise, you can safely ignore the warning message.

To avoid/prevent the warning message, you need to remove the unsupported option from the JVM arguments.

For runtime nodes, use the AMX Administrator UI:
  • Infrastructure > Nodes
  • select BPM Node
  • go to the Configuration tab
  • click link for JVM Configuration
  • in the General Args field, locate and delete any unsupported JVM options mentioned in the logs. Note: JVM options are typically prefixed -X or -XX (prefix may not be shown in the warning message)

For TCT, you must edit the .ini file directlyTIBCO_HOME/tct/1.4/TIBCOConfigurationTool.ini
You may find the unsupported option specified twice here, in different formats:


Note: arguments of JVM options for the launcher are given on separate lines.  Be sure to remove the argument as well as the option.
Delete both options, then save the file.

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