1. Remote into Spotfire Server. Open a command prompt (preferably as an Administrator).
2. Navigate to C:\tibco\tss\[Spotfire Server Version]\tomcat\spotfire-bin directory.
3. Run : config.bat export-service-config --config-name=[Configname] --tool-password=[Bootstrap_Password] or alternatively run : config.bat export-service-config --capability=STATISTICA --deployment-area=[Deployment area] --tool-password=[Bootstrap_Password]
4.Navigate to : C:\tibco\tss\10.10.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root\conf on the Spotfire Server. This should have the statistica.properties and custom.properties file used by the Statistica service.
5. Ensure that the below properties are set :
statistica.enterprise: TRUE
statistica.enterprise.user: admin
statistica.enterprise.password: ******
statistica.enterprise.server:DSN=[Name of DSN that connects to Statistica Enterprise meta database];UID=[dbuser];PWD=[dbpwd]
statistica.enterprise.server: DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=dbserver;DATABASE=databasename;UID=dbusername;PWD=dbpassword
statistica.enterprise.spotfiredomain: SPOTFIRE
statistica. enterprise.prohibitedusermappings: admin;system
1. "spotfiredomain" - Spotfire checks for local Spotfire user accounts. The Spotfire domain should be "SPOTIFRE". In case there is a different domain name as per the machine. Kindly change it to "SPOTFIRE" as it looks for the Spotfire domain, not the local machine domain.
2. "Prohibitedusermappings" - will prohibit these user names from being mapped from Spotfire local user accounts to enterprise local user accounts; e.g., SPOTFIRE\admin should not be automatically mapped to Enterprise admin users. Defaults to admin; system if not provided.