Currently, there are two methods to achieve this:
In the first method, get the User names by Group using the getUsersByGroup() API. Input the result into a view and use the XML extract function to fetch the names in text format (refer to the below sample screenshot).
In the second method, we can connect to the TDV repo and get the User/Group details from the Metadata tables.
NOTE: Do not make any changes to the TDV Metadata Repository Database.
- Connect to TDV repo using any JDBC client such as DBVisualizer or PGadmin (refer to the KB article in the reference section).
- Explore cis_repo schema.
- Run the below query to get user_names and their respective groups.
- select gm.group_id,
from cisrepo.security_members su, cisrepo.security_group_members gm
where gm.member_id =;
Note: Modify the queries mentioned in this article according to your deployment.