'Export Image' failed with: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\Servername\SampleFolder\Sampleimage.png' is denied in TIBCO Spotfire Automation Services

'Export Image' failed with: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\Servername\SampleFolder\Sampleimage.png' is denied in TIBCO Spotfire Automation Services


Article ID: KB0074835


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Automation Services 7.5 and higher


TIBCO Spotfire Automation Services task to export images or data to external file fail with the error - 'Export Image' failed with: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\Servername\SampleFolder\Sampleimage.png' is denied.


1). File path is not defined under AllowFilepath configuration.

2). The Node Manager Service Account does not have appropriate permission to the folder.


Automation Services - 'Export Image' failed with: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '\\Servername\SampleFolder\Sampleimage.png' is denied.


> Confirm that the Node Manager service account has read access to the Shared drive.

By default allowedFilePaths allowAll value is set to "True" , but if you see the above error then the value maybe set to "False.
Below are the steps to update the configuration:
  • Follow the instructions from the below KB article to export the existing or old configuration
  • Update the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config  exported at <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\bin\config folder(for version 10.2 and lower) and <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config (for 10.3 and higher)
  • If you want to be able to export to any folder then the allowAll attribute should be set to "True" e.g. <allowedFilePaths allowAll="True">
  • Or add path in the below section with the path you would want to all the automation service job to export

<allowedFilePaths allowAll="false">
     <add path=".\Temp\" />
     <add path="C:\Temp\" />
     <add path="\\MyServer\Spotfire Exported PDF\" />


  • Save the config file and import it as follows.

config import-service-config  --config-name="AllowExportpath"

  • Provide the config Tool Password when prompted.
  • Login to the Spotfire Admin console > Open "Nodes and Services".
  • Click on Automation Service > Click "Edit"on the right hand top corner.
  • Select the new configuration and update.
NOTE: If the Node Manager is running as Local System Account, grant local system account access to the shared path following steps in https://serverfault.com/questions/135867/how-to-grant-network-access-to-localsystem-account

Additional Information

Refer to the section - Set Security on a Folder Before You Share It -  on how to set folder permission.