> Confirm that the Node Manager service account has read access to the Shared drive.
> By default
allowedFilePaths allowAll value is set to "True" , but if you see the above error then the value maybe set to "False.
Below are the steps to update the configuration:
- Follow the instructions from the below KB article to export the existing or old configuration
- Update the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config exported at <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\bin\config folder(for version 10.2 and lower) and <Spotfire Server Install>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config (for 10.3 and higher)
- If you want to be able to export to any folder then the allowAll attribute should be set to "True" e.g. <allowedFilePaths allowAll="True">
- Or add path in the below section with the path you would want to all the automation service job to export
<allowedFilePaths allowAll="false">
<add path=".\Temp\" />
<add path="C:\Temp\" />
<add path="\\MyServer\Spotfire Exported PDF\" />
- Save the config file and import it as follows.
config import-service-config --config-name="AllowExportpath"
- Provide the config Tool Password when prompted.
- Login to the Spotfire Admin console > Open "Nodes and Services".
- Click on Automation Service > Click "Edit"on the right hand top corner.
- Select the new configuration and update.
NOTE: If the Node Manager is running as Local System Account, grant local system account access to the shared path following steps in