TIBCO BusinessConnect Container Edition 1.3.0 hotfix 2 is now available.
Customers entitled to Support will be able to download the Hotfix from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI using their username and password for the TIBCO Support Web page. Once logged on they can find the Hotfix under the Download Menu :
For instructions on how can TIBCO customers download / access all GA hotfixes , Refer to Article 000022290 : https://support.tibco.com/s/article/hotfix.
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 1.3.0_HF-002 (This Release)
Defect ID: BCCE-3528
EOL version of Spring used in bcce-cms Docker image
*** Solution:
1. Upgrade the Spring Boot version 3.2.0.
2. Updated the code to compile with JDK 17.
Defect ID: BCCE-3546
Noticing Warning messages while starting BCCE Services(PS/IS/GS)
*** Solution:
Fix to avoid loading BE and Tibbr protocols.
Defect ID: BCCE-3547
Observations in BCCE Admin Server
1. The certificate was still on UI after removing.
2. Credential Expiry Alerter is showing as blank page.
*** Solution:
UI and backend code changed.
New Known Issues:
Defect ID: BCCE-3552
Some jdbc exceptions showing on the debug model
*** Solution:
Need to change all the sql query code in the new release. The exceptions just won't do anything.
Closed Issues in 1.3.0_HF-001
Defect ID: BCCE-3513
BCCE::1.3.0-> Vulnerable and EOL version of node used in bcce-as
Docker image
Defect ID: BCCE-3523
BCCE::130 New health probes for bcce-ps and bcce-is insufficent
*** Solutions:
1. Upgraded to the node version 18 and made the UI code changes.
2. Check the timestamp on the healthy file.