Changes in Spotfire version 10: How to Edit column matching when adding rows and columns in Spotfire 10

Changes in Spotfire version 10: How to Edit column matching when adding rows and columns in Spotfire 10


Article ID: KB0080210


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Analyst 10.X


For Spotfire Anlayst version 7.14 and below, you can edit column matching when adding rows and columns using the Insert Rows/Columns - Match Columns dialog box. Spotfire 10 has a new design of the user interface, and there is a change of this operation.

For information on how to insert rows/columns in Spotfire 10, please see article 000037112 How to add Rows or Columns to your existing data in Spotfire 10


Changes in Spotfire version 10: How to Edit column matching when adding rows and columns in Spotfire X


In versions 10.0 and higher of the TIBCO Spotfire Analyst installed client, you need to click the SETTINGS FOR ADDED ROWS/COLUMNS button to open the 'Add Rows/Columns - Match Columns' dialog box.
User-added image

Note: There is no "Match All Possible" or "Unmatch All" option currently.

Additional Information

KB: 000037112 How to add Rows or Columns to your existing data in Spotfire 10 Doc: Column Matching Doc: How to Edit Column Matching or Other Settings for Added Columns Doc: How to Edit Column Matching or Other Settings for Added Rows