Use the following command to list all certificates stored in the specified keystore:
<install directory>\jdk\bin\keytool -list -keystore <install directory>\tomcat\certs\spotfireserver.jks
Where <install directory> is updated with the appropriate path in your installation.
For example:
> C:\tibco\tss\7.11.0\jdk\bin\keytool -list -keystore C:\tibco\tss\7.11.0\tomcat\certs\spotfireserver.jks
Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 2 entries
tss_clientcert, 2019-dec-16, trustedCertEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 9E:06:B5:8F:69:BF:D4:E0:EA:7F:E7:EC:F9:04:51:0B:12:7A:5B:46
serverkey, 2019-dec-16, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1): 4E:7F:41:40:81:02:B0:C4:16:53:B1:DF:39:FF:D4:3A:B6:CD:58:07
In this example, we see there are two certificates with the keyaliases "tss_clientcert" and "serverkey". Based on these results you should use the same name for the "keyalias" parameter in the server.xml file (located in \tomcat\conf\ folder).