How to display sample labels on the first page of Web Data Entry?

How to display sample labels on the first page of Web Data Entry?


Article ID: KB0076549


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.3.1 and later


This article demonstrate how to add the sample labels to be displayed on the first page of Web Data Entry. 


How to display sample labels on the first page of Web Data Entry?




After user logs in to the Web Data Entry (e.g. localhost/dataentry), the first page will only show the default six columns for recent samples entered, including "Data Entry Setup", "Sample ID", "User", "Last Modified", "Sample Status" and "Approval Status".
User-added image

Statistica Web Data Entry has the option "RecentSamplesLabels" for user to set the Sample Labels to be displayed on the first page of Web Data Entry after user logs in. 
RecentSamplesLabels. After signing into Statistica Data Entry, the first page will display the recent samples. You can modify what labels are displayed for the recent samples. The label names are pipe delimited.
EXAMPLE: Batch Number|ID|Product Name.

This option can be found at: Control Panel >> Administrative Tools >> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager >> Sites >> Default Web Site >> Data Entry >> Application Settings.
User-added image

For example, a user has a Data Entry Setup with Labels "ID" and "Gender", and other Characteristics.
User-added image

User wants to display the two Labels "ID" and "Gender" on the first page of Web Data Entry. 
Go to the Application Settings of Data Entry under IIS Manager, and find the option "RecentSamplesLabels".
Edit the option and type the Label names separated by pipe, for example, ID|Gender. Click OK. 
User-added image

Open a new Web Data Entry session (localhost/dataentry), log in and the two Labels added ("ID" and "Gender") will be displayed for recent samples.
The sample Labels are inserted between the two default columns "Sample ID" and "User".
User-added image
(Notice that in above example, I also added a few Characteristics columns (e.g. Age, TotalScore, Comments) to the option RecentSamplesLabels, but the Characteristics values are not displayed on Web Data Entry page. Only sample Labels values are displayed.)

Additional Information

For information on more Application Settings options available for Web Data Entry, please refers to

For information on how to customize the style of Web Data Entry UI, please refers to