The Statistica PDF driver can be installed manually if the Statistica PDF does not appear under "Devices and Printers" as an available printer. Before installing the Statistica PDF driver, please check what Windows version is installed on this computer. If it is Windows 32-bit then you need to install the “x86” msi files. In this case, uninstall first all novaPDF 8 msi that were previously installed, if any, and then install only the x86 version of the msi. Do the same for "64-bit" msi files. So only "x86" should be installed on 32 bit machines and "x64" on 64-bit machines.
The installers are typically located in the Statistica Installation folder. If this is left to defaults during installation, this location is: C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica 13
To install the 3 installers by issuing the commands in the follow order:
Open Command prompt and navigate to the location of the installers.
For 64 bit machines: 1. msiexec /i novaPDF8PrinterDriver(x64).msi
/lv "novaPDF8PrinterDriver(x64).log".
/lv "novaPDF8PrinterDriver(x64).log" is an option command to produce a log file
) 2. msiexec /i novaPDF8SDK(x64).msi
/lv "novaPDF8SDK(x64).log".
/lv "novaPDF8SDK(x64).log" is an optional command to produce a log file
) 3. msiexec /i novaPDF8COM(x64).msi
/lv "novaPDF8COM(x64).log".
/lv "novaPDF8COM(x64).log" is an optional command to produce a log file
) For 32 bit machines: 1. msiexec /i novaPDF8PrinterDriver(x86).msi
/lv "novaPDF8PrinterDriver(x86).log".
/lv "novaPDF8PrinterDriver(x86).log" is an option command to produce a log file
2. msiexec /i novaPDF8SDK(x86).msi /lv "novaPDF8SDK(x86).log".
(the /lv "novaPDF8SDK(x86).log" is an optional command to produce a log file )
3. msiexec /i novaPDF8COM(x86).msi /lv "novaPDF8COM(x86).log".
(the /lv "novaPDF8COM(x86).log" is an optional command to produce a log file )