Installing (or removing) the Statistica STATNOVAPDF V7 driver manually

Installing (or removing) the Statistica STATNOVAPDF V7 driver manually


Article ID: KB0078319


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 12.0 through 13.2


This article details the steps necessary to install STATNOVAPDF V7 driver for Statistica.  Beginning with V13.3.1, Statistica installs Statistica PDF V8.  For issues with Statistica PDF V8, please see here.  

Note:  If Statistica is not installed locally, as with a Citrix install, create the folder structure as if Statistica was installed.  To do this, create [Drive]:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica (version #) ,  , or for 32 bit installs [Drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\Statistica (version #) ,  For Statistica 13.3.0, the location will be [Drive]:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica 13\ or [Drive]:\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\Statistica 13\.


The usual cause has been due to restrictions on C:\ (StatNovaPDF installs to C:\) or other group policy that restrict the user/installer from installing the driver correctly.


For issues with the STATNOVAPDF driver, the driver may have to be installed (removed) manually. Steps are provided in this knowledge base article.


Windows 7 and above. Citrix Xenapp deployments.


1. Save the NOVAPK.EXE to the Statistica installation folder (Statistica)
2. On the computer where Statistica is installed, click  Start and find the command prompt icon or type in  CMD in the search box (or click on 'Run...' and type in 'cmd.exe')
3. Right-click on the  Command Prompt icon (or the cmd.exe icon) and select 'Run as administrator':
Launch command prompt as administrator
4.  Determine their common files location as this will be substituted in the command to install the printer driver
     A.  For same bit width, e.g 32 bit on a 32 bit or 64 bit on 64 bit, type in the following command:
     echo %CommonProgramFiles%

     B.   For different bit widths, type in the following command:

                  echo %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%


Note:  Alternatively type %CommonProgramFiles%.   By default this location is : C:\Program Files\Common Files or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files:
Alternative to finding the Common Program Files location

Common Program Files path

5) After issuing the command in step 4 by pressing the "Enter' key, the common location for your computer will be displayed (the line right below the line where the command was entered).  


6) Change to the Statistica directory by typing in this command: cd \Program Files\StatSoft\STATISTICA 12\  (Note:  Make sure to press the 'Enter' key after entering the complete command) Important Note:  The directory will be \program files\Dell\Statistica 13\ for any installs of 13.0, 13.1, or 13.2.   For 13.3.x, the directory will be \program files\Statistica\Statistica 13\.  (take out reference to 13.3.x as we use new StatNova V8).  

7) Then issue one of the two possible commands, substituting the common files location where the [CF] is written:

     A) For same bit width, issue the following command: novapk /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NOCANCEL /DIR="[CF]\StatSoft\Nova" /PrinterName="STATNOVAPDF"     /ApplicationName="STATISTICA" /CompanyName="StatSoft, Inc"
     B) For different bit width, issue the following command: novapk /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NOCANCEL /DIR="[CF]\StatSoft (or Dell or Statistica)\Nova" /PrinterName="STATNOVAPDF"     /ApplicationName="STATISTICA" /CompanyName="StatSoft, Inc" /RegisterWin32COM


Important Note: Substitute "StatSoft" with "Statisica", above, if the directory is \program files\statistica\Statistica 13\, which would be the case for any new installs of Statistica 13.3.0.  However, leave StatSoft for the Company Name.  


For environments where the PDF printer is on a different server than the workstation the end user will need write access to the following locations:

For 64 bit Windows - C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\x64\3

For 32 bit Windows - C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\W32X86\3

The files that are created will have an extension of .nvp

Periodically check these locations for a buildup of these files and delete old ones that didn’t get removed due to a crash, error, or other misbehavior…

* The installation of this printer driver will first uninstall the previously installed version (if any) and then install the latest driver, prompting for a reboot if necessary.


Removing the PDF Driver

** If you want to thoroughly remove the PDF driver first before installation then following these steps. 

1. Remove the PDF printer with Programs and Features (Add/Remove programs in Windows XP)  and then following these steps before issuing the command in 7A again
2. Restart the server computer and log on with an user that has administrative privileges
3. Manually delete the following files (if any):
from all these folders:



If StatNovaPDf does not appear in Printers and Faxes list after installation ( or receive Printer not installed while trying to create PDFs) it implies the StatNovaPDF driver was not installed properly. One possible reason for failed installation is  due to the fact that the Windows printer installer looks for the file framedyn.dll in the system path and does not find it. Try the steps specified here : NovaPdf Printers troubleshooting