In the output from running the TIBCO Spotfire Server command-line command list-service-instances, what are the "Service ID" and "Service Name" columns?

In the output from running the TIBCO Spotfire Server command-line command list-service-instances, what are the "Service ID" and "Service Name" columns?


Article ID: KB0075323


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server All


Running the list-service-instances command produces results that includes the columns names "Service ID" and "Service Name".

An example output of after running the command:

C:\tibco\tss\10.4.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config list-service-instances --verbose=true
Tool password:
Node                        ID
--------------------------  ------------------------------------      a5851129-9d6b-418b-bd87-b19c4f53851a

Service ID                            Service Name         Capability             Service Version  Status   Service Type  Deployment Area ID                    Bundle Version   Service Installation
------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  -------  ------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------
9e4387d6-ce16-450b-9f35-fa09f82a7c85  Automation Services  "AUTOMATION_SERVICES"  10.4.0           RUNNING  Runnable      2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54  40.0.13705.5172  2ea02c42-92df-4ef7-8166-7d76aa3c155b
bffb6ddc-7bf2-4937-941d-ef00ddadc292  Web Player           "WEB_PLAYER"           10.4.0 HF-002    RUNNING  Runnable      2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54  40.0.13825.5627  c78e1825-5ab8-486d-87cf-42dfae979790


The result of the list-service-instances command contains the columns "Service ID" and "Service Name". More descriptive names for these columns, that better describe what they contain, could be "Instance ID" and "Instance Name".


The Service is a folder containing configuration files where the modules from the deployment area downloaded and installed. The Service instance is the process that is running and executing tasks. Thus - it may be easier to understand the result if you instead interpret the resulting column names as "Instance ID" and "Instance Name".

An example of what it could look like:
C:\tibco\tss\10.4.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin>config list-service-instances --verbose=true
Tool password:
Node                        ID
--------------------------  ------------------------------------      a5851129-9d6b-418b-bd87-b19c4f53851a

Instance ID                            Instance Name         Capability             Service Version  Status   Service Type  Deployment Area ID                    Bundle Version   Service Installation
------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------  ---------------  -------  ------------  ------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------------------
9e4387d6-ce16-450b-9f35-fa09f82a7c85  Automation Services  "AUTOMATION_SERVICES"  10.4.0           RUNNING  Runnable      2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54  40.0.13705.5172  2ea02c42-92df-4ef7-8166-7d76aa3c155b
bffb6ddc-7bf2-4937-941d-ef00ddadc292  Web Player           "WEB_PLAYER"           10.4.0 HF-002    RUNNING  Runnable      2d71f811-19f6-f4ac-c985-3da501193f54  40.0.13825.5627  c78e1825-5ab8-486d-87cf-42dfae979790


Additional Information

How are Service and Service Instances related to TIBCO Spotfire Server Services, such as Web player, Automation Services and TERR?