Use the COMadaptR 1.2.0 middleware component 1. Download the COMadaptR 1.2.0 zip file, attached to the bottom of this knowledge base article
2. Extract the file to any desired location
3. Copy the COMadaptR 1.2.0 folder to the R library folder, typically C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library
4. Rename COMadaptR 1.2.0 to COMadaptR
4. Open an admin command prompt
5. Change to the C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1\library\COMadaptR\ directory
6. Enter this command and press the Enter key:
COMadaptR.exe /regserver If successfully, no message is displayed.
R 3.6.1 is now integrated with Statistica. To verify, open the standalone.r script file by going to Home>>Open>>Examples and opening the R folder. Right-click on the R script and chose Run.