The customer will be able to download the Hotfix from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal Web UI using their username and password for the TIBCO Support Web page.Once logged on they can find the Hotfix under the Download Menu :
The customer will be able to download the Hotfix by using direct link to/TEA/2.3.0/hotfix-02
Refer to Article 000022290 : How can TIBCO customers download / access all GA hotfixes
Link to Article 000022290 :
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.
NOTE: BW 6.4.2 customers please note TEA 2.3.0 Hotfix-02 is required if customers are planning to install BW 6.4.2 Hotfix-4 , details for BW 6.4.2 Hotfix-04 can be found in KB Article :000035616 |
Listed below is a summary of updates included. Refer to the associated readme document for any additional information.
Closed Issues in 2.3.0 HF-002 (This Release)
Unable to register TIBCO BusinessWorks agent 6.4.2 with SSL enabled TIBCO Enterprise
Administrator 2.3.0 server for one way SSL communication. This has been fixed. To have
this working please add following line in the <TIBCO_HOME>/tea/2.3/bin/tea.tra file,TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2
TIBCO Enterprise Administrator 2.3.0 server supports four part agent version
(major.minor.servicepack.hotfix) so that the server will reload registered agent's
meta data if the agent version changes.
TIBCO Enterprise Administrator 2.3.0 shuts down with OutOfMemoryError while uploading
a huge file. This issue has been fixed. The file upload behavior can be controlled by
adding following properties in tea.conf file :
1) tea.file-upload.maxFileSize : This property takes a Long value as input.
This property specifies the maximum size of a single file which can be uploaded.
Default is 0. The allowed max value for this property is 9223372036854775807.
2) tea.file-upload.maxRequestSize : This property takes a Long value as input. This
property specifies the maximum request size of files which can be uploaded.
Default is 0. The allowed max value for this property is 9223372036854775807.
3) tea.file-upload.fileSizeThreshold : This property takes a Integer value as input.
This property specifies the maximum size of file which when crossed will be
pushed out of memory and written on the wire. Default is 1048576. The allowed
max value for this property is 2147483647.