This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal (
Once you are logged in, you can find this hotfix under Hotfixes in the Download Menu.
- For Omni-Gen® DQ, select AvailableDownloads > ibi > Omni-Gen > DQ Edition > 4.1.1 > HF-007
- For Omni-Gen® MDM, select AvailableDownloads > ibi > Omni-Gen > MDM Edition > 4.1.1 > HF-007
- For Omni-HealthData®, select AvailableDownloads > ibi > Omni-HealthData > 4.1.1 > HF-007
For instructions on how to download and/or access all GA hotfixes, refer to Article 000022290
Listed below is a summary of updates included in this hotfix. Refer to the attached readme document
for additional information.
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.
Resolved Issues in 4.1.1 HF-007OG-8767
Grouping: Resolved error moving records outside of the category name.
Grouping: Records included during the process to Clone Group are now showing when the Cloned
Group is reopened.
Grouping: Cloned group no longer loses the reference Category and SubCategory after saving.
Matching Remediation case now shows correct data on collections.
Grouping: Cloned group no longer shows empty for original and cloned group.
Resolved Issues in 4.1.1 HF-006 OG-8712
The OS_RAMP_CONTROL setting of "data_transfer_mode"="JPA" is not overriding the setting
specified in the console.
When a failed work order is restarted the work order item result should be cleared.
To improve performance when a work order is processing, the Subject list will not include the
record counts on the initial load of the Deployments screen.
While executing a work order, the MERGE step can hang while deleting duplicates from collections.
Parallel processing continues even after INSTANCE_MASTER_PARALLEL is disabled.
Resolved Issues in 4.1.1 HF-005 OG-8550
When a user tries to delete a selected project bundle in the Project Bundles web page, the latest
project bundle is always deleted instead of the project bundle that was originally selected.
After a work order is executed, sometimes INACTIVE master and ACTIVE instance records are
being shown.
The Omni-Gen Governance Console is taking a long time to render/search records when the user
selects the Full Name or NPI option in the 360 Viewer.
Upgrade the version of log4j from 2.16 to 2.17.1.
The Master History should only be created when the master or one of its child collections has changed.
The Instance and Master record counts are added to the Deployment screen.
The version of commons-text is upgraded to 1.10.0.
The Work Orders screen in Omni-Gen fails to render.
In the Omni Console, the LogViewer UI is pulling Data Quality (DQ) logs from the wrong location.
Provide a new option in the Omni Console for setting the minimum heap memory for Cleansing,
Matching, Merging, and Remediation.