TIBCO WebFOCUS® and WebFOCUS® App Studio 8207.28.13 HF-011 are now available

TIBCO WebFOCUS® and WebFOCUS® App Studio 8207.28.13 HF-011 are now available


Article ID: KB0100624


Updated On:

Products Versions
ibi WebFOCUS 8207.28.13


This hotfix can be downloaded from the TIBCO Support Customer Portal (https://support.tibco.com).
Once you are logged in, you will find the following hotfixes under Hotfixes in the Downloads Menu.

          AvailableDownloads / ibi / WebFOCUS / 8207 / 8207.28 / 8207.28.13 / HF-011 / App Studio
          AvailableDownloads / ibi / WebFOCUS / 8207 / 8207.28 / 8207.28.13 / HF-011 / Client

This hotfix consist of two parts. Both, App Studio and Client, hotfixes must be downloaded and
installed to resolve the issues listed below.

For instructions on how to download and/or access all GA hotfixes, refer to Article 000022290 -

Listed below is a summary of updates included in this hotfix. Refer to the attached readme
documents for additional information.

Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.

Resolved Issues in 8207.28.13 HF-011

In App Studio Maintain, the syntax is incorrect and dynamic variables are not being created after

Resolved Issues in 8207.28.13 HF-009

In App Studio Maintain during migration, static check boxes are not preset and cannot receive a value.

In App Studio Maintain, static radio buttons are not preset during migration and cannot receive a value.

In App Studio Maintain, single-select and multi-select list boxes change their selected values when the
form containing them refreshes.

In App Studio Maintain, migrating from Release 8.0.x to Release 8.2.X, may convert
FORM1.HTMLTABLE.CLICKROW incorrectly and prevent the form from being populated correctly. 

In App Studio Maintain, migrating a simple HTML table with the clickrow property creates invalid code.

Resolved Issues in 8207.28.13 HF-007

In App Studio, when using a recent version of Google Chrome browser and passing a value in a parent
window from a new window, an Uncaught TypeError message occurs, which affects the running of reports.

Resolved Issues in 8207.28.13 HF-005

Running a guided adhoc portal application does not render.

When the Save Parameters option in an HTML document is enabled, the previously-saved default value
is not displayed in the Multi source Tree control.


TIBCO WebFOCUS® and WebFOCUS® App Studio 8207.28.13 HF-011 are now available


All supported platforms


TIBCO WebFOCUS® and WebFOCUS® App Studio 8207.28.13 HF-011 are now available get_app
TIBCO WebFOCUS® and WebFOCUS® App Studio 8207.28.13 HF-011 are now available get_app