Temporary files like Spotfire.tsp********.txt.exe created in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player temp directories

Temporary files like Spotfire.tsp********.txt.exe created in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player temp directories


Article ID: KB0072298


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Server All


On the TIBCO Spotfire Node Manager machine, in the Web Player services Temp folder, it may be noticed that there are .exe files getting generated, like the following example:
  • \tibco\tsnm\10.10.0\nm\services\WebWorker-46.0.14925.5277-aa6341ea-56ab-4165-tb2e9-d9c5a3c81732\Temp\GAQHm6EzAk2-RhZT0C-1BA\Misc-7652\Spotfire.tspdlypg42w.txt.exe
This article explains the reason why they get generated and that these are expected.


This article explains the reason why the temporary files named like "Spotfire.tsp********.txt.exe" are generated as a normal and expected behavior of the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player.




These are normal extensions and are expected when loading data out-of-process (which is the default) where Spotfire creates sub-processes internally. Generally it is seen when loading data from Microsoft Office files (xlsx, xls, mdb, and accdb) or other data sources where .tmp.exe files are used for some operations that Spotfire runs as separate processes. In this situation the data loading is handled in a separate process for increased isolation so if an error occurs it does not propagate to the main Spotfire process and risks the stability of the Web Player. 

The sub-process file in this example is Spotfire.tsp******.exe where ****** are random characters. The file name will also reflect the data source type ("txt" in the example above).

For the TIBCO Spotfire installed clients (Spotfire Analyst, Spotfire Desktop, etc), see related KB article 000036462 Anti-malware software may report TIBCO Spotfire installed client temp folders to be suspicious.

Additional Information

KB 000041602 Role of processes Spotfire.Dxp.exe, Spotfire.Dxp.Cef.SubProcess.exe and Spotfire.tspla3ryidb.exe KB 000036462 Anti-malware software may report TIBCO Spotfire installed client temp folders to be suspicious