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AvailableDownloads / ibi / WebFOCUS / 8207 / 8207.28 / 8207.28.14 / HF-008 / Reporting Server For instructions on how to download and/or access all GA hotfixes, refer to Article 000022290
Listed below is a summary of updates included in this hotfix. Refer to the attached readme
document for additional information.
Please contact TIBCO Support if you have any problems finding or downloading this hotfix.
Resolved Issues in 8207.28.14 HF-008 (This Release)ACT-2437
When HFREEZE=ON is used in AHTML report output, pagination is not working as expected.
Resolved Issues in 8207.28.14 HF-006SRVADPT-2604
In WebFOCUS Release 8207.28.14, PERSISTANCE VOLATILE for Snowflake local temporary
tables is not implemented for Snowflake and migration fails.
Resolved Issues in 8207.28.14 HF-004ACT-2416
Using grid tool functionality in an AHTML report displays the incorrect sort order when HFREEZE
ON is used in the StyleSheet.
A large number of deferred reports saved in the Reporting Server dfm_dir directory causes
performance issues on the client when retrieving a single report.
TCP/HTTP listener memory corruption occurs when repeatedly clicking the Refresh button
on the Deferred Status dialog box, causing the listener to crash.
After setting ARVERSION=2 in the edasprof.prf file, an uncaught typeerror message displays
when creating a visualization.
Resolved Issues in 8207.28.14 HF-001VIZ-899
Custom pie labels can overlap the pie image or other labels when displayed in a PDF pie chart.