Products | Versions |
Spotfire Statistica | Statistica 8 through 14.0.1 |
During the installation process, the Statistica installer requests user information. All the fields in the registration dialog are required and must be entered during the installation process. The information entered into the registration dialog is used to generate a registration file named StatSoftRegistration.txt. During automatic registration, this text file is sent to the Statistica registration server automatically by the installer (internet connection required) and the registration server creates and signs the full license file, if successful. See more information in this knowledge base article:
Registration can fail for several reasons. If registration fails, only a 14-day temporary license is generated (does not include OnTheHub rentals/purchases). If registration fails because of no internet connection is not allowed, try manual registration by following the steps in this knowledge base article: If registration fails for any other reason contact TIBCO Support ( You may need to register for support portal access before you can log or create cases. Please refer to to register.
If automatic registration is successful, the full license file, stat.lic, is sent back to the installer and applied to the Statistica application directory or folder automatically (or the FLEXlm folder for network installs). The installer will then complete the installation. Please note that automatic registration can be attempted after installation for most installation types (see or
Note: Registration information does not need to match the information of the purchaser. Any one's information may be used to register. It is common for the person performing the install to use their information, for example, IT personnel. However, for single-user or desktop installs, please provide the actual user's information.
License Types