How to apply a new license file (single-user desktop version)?

How to apply a new license file (single-user desktop version)?


Article ID: KB0074056


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.6 and earlier


A new license file was sent to me for my single-user desktop version of Statistica.  How is it applied?  



How to apply a new license file (single-user desktop version)?


Window operating systems.


RESOLUTION 1 (If Statistica displays a licensing message after launch, follow these steps)

1.  Save the stat.lic to any location (Desktop location preferred)
2.  Launch Statistica
3.  Click on the Install License button
4.  Locate the stat.lic at the Desktop location and click 'Open' or 'OK'

Statistica should open as the license file is now updated correctly. 

Note:  If a message appears with "permissions denied" then go back to step 2, above, and right-click on the Statistica shortcut icon and select "Run as administrator".  If you are not an admin user, contact your IT department for help.  


RESOLUTION 2 (If Statistica launches without any licensing message, follow these steps)

1.  Save the stat.lic to any location (Desktop location preferred)
2.  Launch Statistica
3.  If using the ribbon bar, select File | Help/Support, then click More Details | License Management | Install License File
4.  Locate the stat.lic file at the Desktop location and click 'Open' or 'OK'

The license file is now updated correctly.   

Note:  If a message appears with "permissions denied" then go back to step 2, above, and right-click on the Statistica shortcut icon and select "Run as administrator".  If you are not an admin user, contact your IT department for help.  


1.  Save the stat.lic to any location (Desktop location preferred).
2.  Rename the current license file, stat.lic, to  stat.bak (typical location is C:\Program Files\StatSoft\STATISTICA )
3.  Right-click on the stat.lic file at the Desktop location and select 'Copy'
4.  Right-click in the Statistica folder (e.g. Statistica 13 folder) and select 'Paste'

The license file should now be present in the Statistica folder and will have LIC as the file type:

License file of type LIC

Note:  If a message appears with "permissions denied", then contact your IT department for help.  


Additional Information

Note:  To update concurrent or enterprise (server) license files, see  How to apply or install a license file (network installation)

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