How to download and install public hotfix for TIBCO Statistica ?

How to download and install public hotfix for TIBCO Statistica ?


Article ID: KB0073158


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.5


Issues addressed in the hotfix and instructions to deploy the hotfix are typically located within the hotfix. For the purpose of this article, we will download a public hotfix for Statistica version 13.5 - V135HFS07. 

V135HFS07 has fixes for most known issues with Statistica Version 13.5 / TIBCO Workbench 1.2. V135HFS07 is available to all Statistica 13.5 users and is cumulative of all other fixes (i.e there is no need to install any other fix prior to HFS07 if V135HFS07 is installed). Issues addressed in V135HFS07 are addressed in the Readme file located within the hotfix.


How to download and install public hot-fix for TIBCO Statistica ?


Section 1 : Downloading the hotfix
1. Login to
2. Navigate to Hotfixes>>Available Downloads>>Statistica>>[version] >>[Hotfix]

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Section 2: Installing the hotfix
1. Unzip all the zip file that was downloaded and all the zip files within that contains the executables.  Open the Readme file and carefully review the install instructions. For the purpose of this article, we can review installing V135HFS07 as per the instructions.

2. Shut down all instances of Statistica on the machine you are deploying the hotfix on. Users may want to open task manager as an Administrator and ask everyone currently using Statistica to close their instance or close the application with End Task.

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3. If the machine where the hotfix is being applied is a WebStatistica/Livescore or MAS server, stop the corresponding Services by launching services.msc. 

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4. Replacing executables as detailed in the Readme file. For the purpose of this example, we can walk through replacing the files related to V135HFS07. The installation instructions recommend that you take a backup of each file before replacing it. Since we have a number of files in this hotfix for the Statistica folder, the easiest way to deploy the hotfix is to simply make a copy of the entire Statistica installation directory and rename the copy to indicate it is pre-V135HFS07 (provided the machine has sufficient space to backup the entire directory. Then proceed to copy all the contents of the unzipped Statistica folder(with the exception of the Data Miner folder)  into the installation directory Statistica 13 folder (gif file attached for reference).

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For the Data Miner folder within Statistica and the WebStatistica folder, since there is only one executable in the folder, we can do a manual rename of the executable and replace the file from the unzipped hotfix folder. Procedure detailed in gif below or referenced article :

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5. Start the WebStatistica service, and the MAS Service if applicable

Installing the hot-fix applicable for Data Entry server only

The fix for Data Entry can be skipped if you do not use Data Entry or the machine is not a Data Entry Server. Backup the existing contents of  [drive]\WebSTATISTICAPub\DataEntry on the data entry server either individually or the entire folder depending on user preference and copy the contents of each folder within the hotfix.
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Follow instructions to recompile :

 Open CMD (command line interpreter) as an Administrator and run the following commands:

  • Command to browse to ASP.NET compiler location: cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
  • Command to recompile the application:  aspnet_compiler -v /DataEntry -c
  • Command to restart IIS on Data Entry server : iisreset
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Section 3 : ROLLBACK of the hotfix

If it is necessary to roll back to the version used before the hotfix was applied, delete the newly added file(s), and remove the .bak extension from the previously backed up file(s)

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How to download and install public hotfix for TIBCO Statistica ? get_app