How to find the Statistica License keys in edelivery?

How to find the Statistica License keys in edelivery?


Article ID: KB0074452


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 14.0 and higher


Unable to locate Statistica License keys from Edelivery. "No License Key available for your account"  is seen under My License keys.

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For versions earlier than 14.0, users would receive an email with the keys as described in :



How to find the Statistica License keys in edelivery?


With Statistica Version 14.0 and later (a.k.a TIBCO Data Science Workbench 1.3 and later) versions, emails are not sent out with the license keys for Statistica. They are instead included with the Statistica Installaer in  Edelivery.

Download while downloading the Statistica Installer 14.0/ TIBCO Data Science Workbench 1.3 from Edelivery.

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Unzip the file and open Licensing Readme.pdf. You could look up your license keys, by looking up the product you purchased on invoice tabular column in the Licensing ReadMe.pdf

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or with the help of Prior year's serial number  (See: ) in the tabular column in the Licensing ReadMe.pdf

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If you are unsure of the product purchased or require assistance in locating the License keys that correspond to your installation, consider raising a case on for TIBCO Statistica/TIBCO Data Science Workbench.