Statistica has the ability to:
Share PMML models,
2. Share data received from scoring,
Upload content,
Execute tasks like macros,
5. Download the resulting content.
There are a couple of ways to setup Statistica workspace that can then be called via SOAP request and used for making predictions/classifications of an unlabeled data set with pre-trained network model in a Batch.
First is via WebStatistica service.
Second one is via Statistica Live Score Server that is configured to execute 1 row of data -> Live Score requests via SOAP.
In this article, we will focus on the first method by using Rapid Deployment workspace node.
Attached is the example workspace showing you how to create a model and the execute it via Rapid Deployment.
In order to receive the results via web services please schedule this analysis in Webstatistica as specified in the article "
How to schedule Enterprise Analysis or Report in WebStatistica?"