1. Download the GroupSync.svb from the attachment and open this file in Statistica (while logged in as Enterprise user with permissions detailed above). For Statistica 13.5, download the script - GroupSync_13.5.svb. For later versions, this script will be included in [Statistica Install directory]\SupportScripts\ directory
2. Create a System View folder in Statistica Enterprise to deploy the script, if one doesn't exist already. In Statistica, click on Enterprise tab and then select Deploy to Enterprise >> Macro
3. Select 'Deploy New Object' and OK.
4. Select None for the data configuration and Click on OK. Enter a name for the Script or click on OK to accept the default name. Select a folder to deploy the script and define the access permissions for the script.
Click OK on the dialog that indicates that the object was successfully deployed
5. Option 1: Run the script interactively on-demand (Only partially automatic ) Click on Run in the Enterprise Manager Analysis configuration that was deployed.
This will generate a spreadsheet with details of which users were added, deleted from Enterprise group, added to SDMS group to sync with the Windows AD group.
NOTE: The script will only add users to SDMS Document administrators group. If a specific user needs to be made part of System administrator group for SDMS, this should be done manually.
Option 2: Schedule the script to run on a schedule via WebStatistica (a.k.a Statistica Server) Completely automated Schedule the analysis that we deployed in Enterprise at Step 4 as detailed
here . The scheduled task will run as per schedule chosen and the results of the scheduled task can be viewed by the user that scheduled the job in Statistica Server by selecting Tools>>My Batch jobs >>Results