How to create an IQC Chart in Statistica Enterprise?

How to create an IQC Chart in Statistica Enterprise?


Article ID: KB0076388


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Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 10 and higher


Interactive Quality Control (IQC) or Statistica Process Control (SPC) Charts are often used in manufacturing and other process controls. These charts can be easily constructed in Statistica Enterprise and the charts can be configured for monitoring by the  Monitoring and Alerting Server (MAS) component in Statistica to send alarm emails / execute a program when an out of control point is observed. These charts can be quite easily constructed within Statistica Enterprise.

1. User with System Admin (SADM) privileges or user with Data Admin (DADM) and Analysis Admin(AADM) privileges
2.  Data Configuration that has data to be plotted or access credentials of the data to be able to create the data configuration


How to create an IQC (Interactive Quality Control) Chart in Statistica Enterprise?


The data for these charts should have at least 2 types of columns.
1.  A time stamp or a sample id column - This column is to be defined as a First Update column (This will be used to identify new samples)
2. The measure/characteristic that is to be plotted.

For this article, we will use the data configuration that is created with the example data set (Cyclone-2.sta) defined in this article: and we will plot an Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart of type - IMR (Individuals and Moving Range Chart)  for continuous data or variable characteristic data.

1. Expand the data configuration to see the fields as shown below. Examine the columns/variables in the data and see if you can identify an auto update column. This variable should typically be of Target type:  TimeStamp or Sample ID. In this dataset, we are going to use the first column -Date Time as the first update column. So from the Target type drop-down list, choose Timestamp and choose "First Update column" in the Auto Update drop down list as shown below :

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2. Now we identify the data that is a variable characteristic or the variable to be plotted for the Individuals and Moving Range (IMR) chart. This data set specifically has a lot of Variable characteristics. For simplicity, let's assume we are interested in plotting "Coal flow (kpph)" and "Primary air (kpph)". So for these columns, we'll define the Target type as Variable characteristic and commit this change by clicking on Commit on the top left corner as shown below:

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Note that for Version controlled Statistica installations, all changes may require a reason for Audit and versioning purposes. Enter this prompt if it comes up as shown in the above gif.

3. Now that the data configuration is prepped up, we can simply right click and select - "New Analysis configuration off this Data" as shown below. After the versioning prompts and assigning permissions to this object in Enterprise the IQC Analysis configuration is created. Simply click on Run and Statistica will automatically pull the latest data from the data configuration and plot the two variables in Statistica as shown below and highlight the out of control points. 

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4. If we were creating Xbar and R charts (See reference, if necessary to learn about types of SPC charts), we can leave this configuration as is. Since we intend to make an IMR chart, we'll make a few changes to the Analysis Configuration.

5. Close Statistica and switch to Statistica Enterprise manager. Expand the analysis configuration and change the Chart type to Individuals and Moving range for both the variable characteristics. If you intend to configure this chart for alarm notifications, you may also want to look at Alarm properties and identify what conditions you would like to be notified about. For this example, we choose Sample out of control.

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6.  You may run the analysis configuration to view the IMR chart. Note that since this plot is constructed with example data set it has a lot of out of control points (highlighted in red) . In a typical Statistically controlled process/data the out of control points will be clear as shown below:

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Note that this is the simplest of IQC Charts. There are more options in Statistica Enterprise if filtering is required while plotting charts. The charts can also be taken further with Monitoring and alerting Server(MAS). Different Set Specifications can be specified or User Specification Limits can be defined or Attribute charts may also be built. Some reference articles to these topics are below:

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