What are the different logs Statistica can natively capture?

What are the different logs Statistica can natively capture?


Article ID: KB0071447


Updated On:

Products Versions
Spotfire Statistica 13.0 and later


There are various log or report files available in Statistica for logging and debugging purposes. Relevant KB articles along with other commonly used troubleshooting tools are referenced in the reference section of this article



This article introduces commonly used Statistica error/debugging log/licensing/reports.


1. Debug Mode: 

This method is best used to capture errors that occur interactively. Launch Statistica Click File>>New>> Macro (or Home>>New>>Macro) type the following code:
 Sub Main Application.DebugReport(scLogEverything) End Sub

Run the Macro from the Macro tab.

This will log to a Statistica report, leave that report open, replicate the issue and save the report.
A debug report example is shown at below:

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Additional References:
Guidance on object model of Debug Log
Explanations on different logging options including LogLevel, logFileName

2. Enable Statistica logging from registry: 
  See:  https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Enabling-registry-entries-of-logging-for-Statistica

3. Enabling logging from File Options:  This option is relevant to Statistica version 14 alone.

Launch Statistica. Click on File >>Options  and in the general page, choose to enable logging:

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The subsequent logins of Statistica will be logged as per the chosen options until turned off. This is a per user/per machine setting and is mostly relevant to capture interactive errors.

4.  Enterprise Manager Audit log: "Log Viewer" under Enterprise Manager.
This Audit log records the information on user usage of the application, e.g user id, login time, logout, etc.

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5.  MAS (Monitoring and Alerting Server) logging:  The MAS log files are located in "C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\MAS\" and will correspond to logging level set in the "MAS Configuration" tool.

MAS Configuration Tool to set the LogFilePath and LogLevel:

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Collect these MAS logs on respective dates and send to Statistica support for troubleshooting on MAS related issue. 

6. WebStatistica logging:  The StatLib log files are located in "C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\WebSTATISTICA\". You can enable StatLib logging and logging levels in the Webstatistica/Statistica "Administration" tool.  See this article for details on how this logging can be enabled

WebStatistica/Statistica Administration Tool and MAS Configuration tool can be found from "Start | All Programs | Statistica [version]":

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Set StatLib logging options in WebStatistica/Statistica Administration tool:

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Please take note that StatLib logs should have "StatLib" in the file name prefix (see examples below) and are located by default at folder C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\WebStatistica.

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Collect these StatLib logs on respective dates and send to Statistica support team for troubleshooting on WebStatistica related issues.

Also refer to : https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-find-corresponding-Statlib-log-and-Process-in-Task-Manager-that-corresponds-to-an-Event-logged-in-Event-Viewer
7. Event logs :  Windows Event Logs >>"Statsoft", "Application" and "System" can be used to troubleshoot most server errors with Statistica ( WebStatistica, LiveScore, MAS, SDMS and Data Entry) . User can export these event logs for issue investigation.
  • "Statsoft" event logs: Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer | Applications and services | Statsoft
  • Windows "Application" event logs:  Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer | Windows Logs | Application
  • Windows "System" event logs: Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer | Windows Logs | System
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Collect all above three Windows event logs (StatSoft, Application and System), and send to Statistica support for issue troubleshooting. 
See this article for details on how these event logs are related to Statistica troubleshooting
See this article for instructions on how to export the event logs

8. SDMS logs : These logs are typically located in the SDMS installation directory.  By default this would typically be in :   C:\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\SDMS\Data\LogFiles on the SDMS Server.

NOTE: This log will not be relevant for version 14 and later versions of Statistica.

9. Licensing Log :  lmgrd.log is used for licensing troubleshooting related to Statistica

The lmgrd.log file is a log that records all licensing events. It is part of the FLEXnet solution, a 3rd party application used by Statistica. The lmgrd.log is not available in standalone or desktop installs but only the network versions (concurrent, borrowing, and enterprise(or server)  installs). The information found in this file can be valuable when troubleshooting licensing issues, such as, the client workstation or licensing server is not able to read the license due to hardware or network configuration changes in the server (moved domain or such).  Note:    Restarting the Statistica License Manager service will cause the lmgrd.log to be be overwritten.  

The lmgrd.log is typically located in one of these locations, usually on a dedicated server:
1. C (or local server drive):\Program Files (x86)\StatSoft\FLEXlm\    (Statistica 12.5 and below)
2. C (or local server drive):\Program Files (x86)\(other folder name that starts with a D)\FLEXlm\          (Statistica 12.6 till 13.2)
3. C (or local server drive):\Program Files (x86)\Statistica\FLEXlm\     (Statistica 13.3 and above)
4. C (or local server drive):\Program Fies\TIBCO\Statistica\Licensing (Statistica 14.x and above)
If the install was customized, the path may be different than the 4 listed above.  

The lmgrd.log file is of small size and can be easily sent to Statistica technical support for licensing issue investigation.   Example below is only for 13.5 and below (the V14.x is similar but has a different path, see #4 above)

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10. Statistica Extensions for Spotfire Log : All logs related to Statistica Data Functions are logged User Profile's App Data . For details refer to : https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Where-to-look-up-logs-for-Statistica-Data-Function-in-Spotfire-Analyst

11. Statistica Service for Spotfire logs : Statistica Service log for Spotfire Server can be located as detailed in : https://support.tibco.com/s/article/How-to-view-the-Statistica-service-log

12. Statistica Crash reports Apart from the crash reports Statistica allows the end user to save when the application crashes, all crashes are located in : C:\ProgramData\Statistica\Errors\

NOTE: This folder is typically hidden. So this path may have to be copy pasted into the File explorer to access it.
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All the above logs can be sent while raising a case on https://support.tibco.com for investigation of the issue faced.

Additional Information
